[ riverclan camp ]

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newBookmarkLockedFalling Riverclan Listings
Shade 0 273 by Shade
Jun 30, 2009 10:10:34 GMT -5


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Board Information & Statistics

Board Description
RiverClan is a water-native Clan, known for the river that runs throughout their territory. RiverClan cats have the unique ability to swim efficiently in fast-moving water, and are generally among the only cats that possess the knowledge of fishing. Due to their main diet of fish, their pelts are typically silkier and glossier than most other Clans' which grants them increased mobility in water. Their prey also includes some aquatic mammals such as water voles. RiverClan often have border disputes with ThunderClan over the Sunningrocks, a section of land on ThunderClan's side of the river that ThunderClan claimed from them a long time ago (it was formerly an island). They are not openly hostile, but can be prone to ally themselves with potentially hostile Clans (namely ShadowClan). The reason for this is usually based on the rationale of relative strength; RiverClan's leaders tend to think that joining a powerful adversary instead of standing against them is more beneficial for their Clan in the long run.

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